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Spring Money-Saving Tips

May 18th, 2020 | 2 min read


Everyone loves to save money, and it's a good idea to review different aspects of your budget now and again to see if there are more opportunities you have missed in the past . In the springtime, considering how you can reduce your energy bills is always a great idea.

According to the US Department of Energy (DOE), air conditioners use about 6 percent of all electricity in the country at a cost of roughly $29 billion to homeowners.

If you can reduce that usage inThe Dalles, you will be able to make a difference in our environment and save yourself some money as well. Take some of the following ideas from our professionals at A&E Heating & Air to heart and make some money-saving resolutions today.

Tune Up for Efficiency

Allair conditioners work more efficiently if they have clean filters, enough refrigerant, spotless coils, and plenty of room for air circulation.

Although you can take care of some of thesemaintenance items on your own—clearing away fallen yard debris from around your outside condenser unit and regularly changing filters, you should engage one of our highly trained professionals to help inspect and clean your air conditioning components. Our experts can also check yourductwork and be sure you are not losing your cooled air before it reaches its destination.

By investing inregular maintenance, it's less likely your unit will break down in the dog days of summer. That’s an extra bonus.

Work with Mother Nature

Find ways to use the outdoor conditions to your advantage when it comes to saving energy. For example, during the spring and the fall when nighttime temperatures cool down, open all your windows to let the cool breezes in.

Then, first thing in the morning, close your windows and pull your shades to trap the cooler air inside. You can also consider planting trees to shade your home in the future.

Circulate Indoor Air

Consider investing in floor fans or ceiling fans to help move your indoor air. Fans use a lot less energy than air conditioning systems and do a good job cooling down your home in moderate temperatures. You can also run the fan on yourheating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system or install a whole house fan that pulls in fresh air from the attic.|| |477

Relocate Heat Outside

The sun is not always the biggest culprit in generating indoor heat. How often do you find that your appliances are competing directly with your air conditioner?

Instead of turning on your oven or stove, consider grilling outside to keep that heat out of your home. Or get a little creativity and find some great cold meals to prepare instead.

The clothes dryer is another heat producer in mostOregon homes. Instead of running your dryer, put that springtime sun and a laundry line to work.

Block and Reflect

Another idea to reduce the heat and associated energy bills is to invest in energy- efficient windows, seals, and insulation to keep the cold in and the heat out. You can also install light-colored window coverings to block sun in the warmest part of the day.

Energy-efficient, reflective roof tiles or a coat of lighter exterior paint can do wonders in reflecting the heat of the sun away from your home's outside.

Rely on Technology

At the very minimum, install a programmablethermostat that will automatically adjust your temperature requirements while you are away or asleep. Smart technology is advancing each day, and in some homes, rooms can now detect when you are present in them and adjust the temperatures accordingly. You can also control and monitor air conditioning usage from afar using a smart phone.

Don't Forget the Little Things

Every light that's left on when not in use generates heat as well as all those electronic devices. Consider switching to LED lightbulbs and turning off electronic gadgets when they are not being used to save money and reduce heat.

Contact Us Today

To schedule an air conditioning tune-up or duct inspection, or to talk with us about other energy-saving ideas, call ourA&E Heating & Air team at541-645-8188|| |509 or request service online. OurThe Dalles, OR, professionals would be happy to help.


General HVAC